09 Okt. Stamp Paper Agreement
I purchased the stamp paper (ESBTR stamp tax) on July 27, 2018 and I just received a letter of assist (dated March 19) from MHADA – Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority, Resignation Officer does not accept this stamp duty receipt. Can you tell me how this stamp duty should be used or how it can extend its validity? In Thiruvengada Pillai Vs. Navaneethammal &anr. (see here) has been decided by the Supreme Court that a stamp paper, even if it is more than six months old, is valid for use. Section 54 only prohibits refund after six months of purchase, but it does not limit the use of such old stamp paper for an agreement. Thus, nothing prevents you from using it even after years of purchase. The law has no statute of limitations for its validity. .