10 Okt. Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets Grade 2 Pdf
Correctly use indeterminate pronouns – you need to mark the indeterminate pronoun in the sentence, and then choose the right verb. Name Date Compliance subject-verb Exercise 1 This handout accompanies exercise 1 of the grammatical bytes! Get the answers by running the interactive version of the exercise at this address: chompchomp.com/exercises.htm itinerary: use in space. Asc Name: GrammatikPakettest 6 forms a subject match a. Circle the correct answers: (1 point for 40 points in total) 1. the color of fish and birds (serves, serves) as protection. 2. one of these students (was, was) still too late. 3. Here is a more demanding worksheet for adapting the subject and verb. The activity contains some delicate pronouns. Readtheory.org 2010 englishforeveryone.org 2008 Name date Exercise 27 Examination of the simple form of the past and the progressive form of the past.
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the simple form of the past or the form of the past. Last…