13 Okt. Videotape Agreement 2020
In mid-October, AI and AMPTP concluded negotiations on the 1996 West Coast Videotape agreement. The four-year agreement entered into force from 29 September 1996 to 30 September 2000. The wage increases, health and pension benefits and the full maintenance of benefits for the duration of the agreement are the same as those provided for in the 1996 basic agreement. In addition to the current production payment of 30.5 cents per hour, contributions to the individual plan of account amounted to 1% of wages at contractual rates from 29 September 1996, 2% from 31 May 1998 and 3% from 1 August 1999. 2019-2022 Pay Television MOA 2015 – 2018 HBO Production Agreement 2015 – 2018 Starz Production Agreement 2015 – 2018 Showtime Production Agreement 2015-2019 MOA HBO Films 2011-2014 H BBO Production Agreement 2017 Script Coordinator and Writers` Assistant Agreement 2018-21 Videotape Electronics Supplemental to Basic Agreement 2016 IATSE-AICP Commercial Production Agreement 2016 IATSE-Independent Commercial Production Agreement Questions regarding these contracts are ialocal871.org to BusinessRe p [a] t. 2016-2021 Fox Western Regional Agreement 2018-2023 Pettigrew Western Regional Agreement In 1996, IATSE successfully defeated Local 644`s efforts to block the merger of premises 644, 659 and 666 into a local camera with national jurisdiction. The court ruled that the merger efforts were not initiated with ill intent or retaliation against Local 644 and would not infringe Local 644`s rights. The court found that the evidence presented at the hearing “underscores the wisdom of President Short`s decision to reunite the cameramen.” The Court also found that Local 664, as an affiliated place of IATSE, was necessarily subject to the Constitution of IATSE, which contains an involuntary merger clause. There has been a new provision on minimum calls limited to reality, information and entertainment programming. In addition, for the 12-minute grace period for meal times, the language was the same as in the 1996 basic agreement.
Travel insurance in the videotape and film contract was increased to $US 200,000. The agreement was adopted unanimously by representatives of the 22 local IATSE unions who participated in the negotiations, recommending that their members vote in favour of ratification. . . .