16 Okt. Workplace Education Agreement Form
A form 7 report may be submitted to the CSASL in paper or electronic form. If the school board representative requests paper versions of the form from the CSMA, he or she must identify the ministry as the employer and provide the business number 250379-FJ. Once the form is completed, it must be mailed or faxed to the FASC, and copies must be provided to the student and the ministry. An electronic version of the Form 7 report can be submitted to the CFFM in the online services section of its website. Please note that a printed copy of the electronic version must be provided to the student and another copy must be sent to the Department, either by fax or as a scanned attachment. Concerns were expressed about students participating in internships where they may be exposed to infectious diseases. These work environments include, but are not limited to, hospitals, laboratories, dental offices, emergency departments, veterinary practices and nursing homes. These work environments are not consistent when it comes to requiring vaccinations against various diseases. In addition, tb screening requirements for people working in various workplaces may not be consistent. If a physician requires medical treatment beyond first aid, or if the injury or illness results in a loss of time during the practicum, the school board representative must send a report (as outlined below) to the FASC.
Since accident reporting procedures require students` Social Security numbers, it is recommended that all students involved in vocational training or expercable learning programs where the student is considered an employee have a Social Security number. Purpose of the form: The Ministry of Education provides FASC (Commission de la sécurité et des assurances au travail) coverage to students enrolled as participants in a workplace training program administered by a school board. This form must be completed and signed by all parties prior to the student`s internship. The following reporting procedures refer to situations where the Department supports FASF services. In cases where an employer provides CSASA benefits (i.e., For a student who is an employee of the placement employer and who receives a salary), the employer must follow the steps required by an employer who reports an injury or illness in the workplace. In the event of an injury or illness in the workplace that requires medical attention from a health professional and/or results in a loss of work time, the school board representative must submit the CSASF employer`s injury or illness report (Form 7) to the CSASF. The form must be submitted to the school within three (3) business days of the student`s notice of injury or illness and received by the CSAFH within seven (7) business days of the student`s registration with the school. The school board representative must also submit a copy of the MEA form if the school committee representative reports the injury or illness to the FASC. The Form 7 report, along with a copy of the WEA form, must also be sent to the ministry and the student.
1. Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, paragraph 8, paragraph 1, paragraph 9. 2. Most Ontario businesses that employ workers are required to register with the CSASE, but there are a few exceptions, such as . B banks. For more information, visit the CSASE website. 3. On the understanding that students are generally not insured in such cases, school authorities should provide information on students` accident insurance to students participating in such programmes and to their parents. 4. In this memorandum, parent(s) means parent(s) and guardian(s).
5. Parental consent is required, although the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) of 1990 gives students sixteen years of age and older the right to the protection of their personal information. In all types of vocational training programs, businesses and community organizations work with school boards to provide students with rich learning opportunities. Because these programs focus on educational experience rather than productivity, students typically do not receive a salary from the placement employer. .